Location of Sampling Stations (watershed name, or map with grid locations): HQA.
Frequency of Sampling: Annually (ANPP), twice-annually (plant species composition, plant stem densities), bi-weekly to monthly (soil CO2 flux).
Variable Measured: ANPP, plant species composition, plant stem densities, soil CO2 flux.
Four large rainfall manipulation shelters (each 6 x 26 m in size) were established in 2010. Within each shelter are 10 2 x 2 m plots arrayed in two offset rows of 5 plots each. Each 2 x 2 m plot is divided into four 1 x 1 m subplots. One subplot is designated for plant species composition measurements. The remaining three are designated for soil CO2 and ANPP measurements. Plant community composition is measured in early (late-May or early June) and late growing season (mid to late - Aug) by estimating the aerial cover to nearest 1% (less than 25%), 5% (26-50%) or 10% (less than 50%) in a permanent 1 x 1 m plot. Plant stem densities are measured at the same time as plant species composition early in the growing season. All stems are counted within a permanently marked 20 x 50 cm quadrat located within the 1 x 1 m species composition plot. Stems are separated into the following categories: Andropogon gerardii, Sorghastrum nutans, Solidago canadensis, other grass, other forb, and woody. Productivity is measured by clipping all aboveground biomass within two 20 x 50 cm quadrats. The biomass is separated in the field to the following categories: Andropogon gerardii, Sorghastrum nutans, Solidago canadensis, other grass, other forb, and woody. Soil CO2 collars are installed in two subplots at the beginning of the growing season and measurements are made on a bi-weekly to monthly basis.
Changes: Feb 2020 - CEE014 ANPP data structure was changed.
Quality Assurance: Entered data is checked twice.