We planted plots with seed collected from nearby species in fall 2010. Seeds were collected from 70 species (Appendix S1), with six species (listed by mass), Sorghastrum nutans, Andropogon gerardii, Antenneria neglecta, Elymus canadensis, Silphium laciniatum, and Silphium integrifolium, making up more than half of the total seed mass added. The seeding rate was relatively high (~38 kg/ha). This was about twice the recommended rate for grassland restoration, since we did not clean or test seeds for viability. While we did not clean seed (e.g., no pappus removed, seeds like those of purple prairie clover not removed from pods, wild coffee seeds not removed from fruits, etc.), Echinacea seeds were separated from the capitulum. Seed for each species was stored in paper bags at room temperature until time of seeding. Seeds were sown onto each plot and gently raked in on 28 Dec 2010 shortly after woody cutting. A paper bag was prepared for seed addition in each treatment plot with all species mixed together. Seed was hand broadcast, passing over the treatment plot at least three times in the process of emptying each bag to ensure even spread and that any smaller seeds settling to the bottom would be spread throughout.