Location of Sampling Stations (watershed name, or map with grid locations): All bison-grazed watersheds at Konza Priairie.
Frequency of Sampling: every 15 minutes to every two hours depending on individual and year.
Variable Measured: Latitude and longitude (easting and northing).
Bison_ID: Ear tag number assigned to individual during first round-up after birth. Letter indicates decade of birth following CBH01 Konza Prairie Bison Herd Information, http://lter.konza.ksu.edu/content/cbh01-konza-prairie-bison-herd-information, and first number indicates year of that decade while remaining numbers indicate the individual number for that year.
Field Methods: Collars deployed on female bison during autumn round-up.
Form of Data Output: date, time, and coordinates Instrumentation: Telonics TGW-3700 GPS collars (Telonics, Mesa, AZ, USA).