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DataCodeNominalData set Code
RecTypePhysical quantityRecord type
DateDate/timeRecord date
Photosynthetic_PathwayNominalPhotosynthetic Pathway
M6400Physical quantityMachine identity
Species_AcronymNominalSpecies Acronym
SpeciesNominalSpecies Name
RepPhysical quantityMachine identity number
ObsPhysical quantity# observation stored in log file
RecTimeDate/timeSample collect time
PhotoPhysical quantityPhotosynthetic rate (μmol CO2 m−2s−1)
CondPhysical quantityConductance to H2O (mol H2O m−2s−1)
CiPhysical quantityIntercellular CO2 concentration (μmol CO2 mol−1)
TrmmolPhysical quantityTranspiration rate (mmol H2O m−2s−1)
VpdLPhysical quantityVapor pressure deficit based on Leaf temp (kPa)
CTleafPhysical quantityComputed leaf temp (°C)
AreaPhysical quantityIn-chamber leaf area
BLC_1Physical quantityOne sided boundary layer conductance for the leaf (mol m−2s−1)
StmRatPhysical quantityStomatal ratio estimate
BLCondPhysical quantityTotal boundary layer conductance for the leaf (includes stomatal ratio) (mol m−2s−1)
TairPhysical quantityChamber Air Temp
TleafPhysical quantityLeaf Temp, measured with the thermocouple (°C)
TBlkPhysical quantityIRGA Block Temp (°C)
RH_RPhysical quantityReference Relative Humidity (%)
RH_SPhysical quantitySample Relative Humidity (%)
FlowPhysical quantityFlow Rate (μmol s-1)
PARiPhysical quantityIn-chamber PAR (μmol m−2s−1)
PARoPhysical quantityExternal PAR (μmol m−2s−1)
PressPhysical quantityAtmospheric Press (kPa)
Ci_PaPhysical quantityIntercellular CO2 concentration (kPa)
CiCaPhysical quantityIntercellular CO2 / Ambient CO
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