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DataCodeNominalDataset code
RecTypePhysical quantitydataset record type
RecYearPhysical quantityYear of sample
RecMonthNominalMonth of sample
RecDayPhysical quantityDay of sample
WatershedNominalwatershed of sample location
TimePhysical quantitytimepoint of sample for each year where time 1 was collected in May, and time 2 was collected in August or September.
Shrub_IDPhysical quantityUnique ID of each shrub
TreatmentNominalbrowsing treatment
Stem_idPhysical quantityID of each stem in the center and periphery of each shrub
LocationNominalstem located in the center or on the periphery of each shrub.Clusters – number of inflorescences on each stem
HeightPhysical quantityheight of stem
DiameterPhysical quantitybasal diameter of stem
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