| ID | | Nominal | Unique identifier for each sample |
| Round | | Physical quantity | Identifies during which experimental round measurements were taken |
| RecMonth | | Physical quantity | Identifies during which month of the experimental phase measurements were taken |
| PlantLegacy | | Nominal | Identifies which plant species conditioned the soil during the conditioning phase (smooth = Bromus inermis, west = Pascopyrum smithii) |
| CurrentPlant | | Nominal | Identies which plant species was growing in the soil at the time of measurement (smooth = Bromus inermis; west = Pascopyrum smithii; none = no plant) |
| AG | | Physical quantity | Aboveground biomass of the plant growing in the pot |
| BG | | Physical quantity | Belowground biomass of the plant growing in the pot |
| TotalCarbon | | Physical quantity | Total concentration of soil carbon (milligramsPerGramSoil) |
| TotalNitrogen | | Physical quantity | Total concentration of soil nitrogen (milligramsPerGramSoil) |
| NH4 | | Physical quantity | Concentration of soil ammonium (milligramsPerGramSoil) |
| NO3 | | Physical quantity | Concentration of soil nitrate (milligramsPerGramSoil) |
| MBC | | Physical quantity | Concentration of microbial biomass carbon (milligramsPerGramSoil) |
| TotalCO2 | | Physical quantity | Total belowground CO2 captured during the 24-hour assay (microgramsPerGramSoilPerDay) |
| SoilCO2 | | Physical quantity | CO2 attributable to the breakdown of SOM (standardized by soil C, microgramsPerGramSoilCarbonPerDay) |
| RootCO2 | | Physical quantity | CO2 attributable to root respiration or the breakdown of root-derived C (standardized by pot, milligramsPerPotPerDay) |
| Richness | | Physical quantity | Number of unique bacterial OTUs in the pot |
| Evenness | | Physical quantity | Evenness of the bacterial community in the pot |