| RecYear | | Physical quantity | Year of observation |
| ID | | Nominal | unique identifier for each soil sample |
| Island | | Nominal | identifies which shrub island the soil sample came from |
| location | | Nominal | indicates which sampling location within each island that the soil sample came from |
| total_IN | | Physical quantity | concentration of extractable inorganic nitrogen (microgramNitrogenPerGramSoil) |
| mbc | | Physical quantity | concentration of microbial biomass carbon (micogramCarbonPerGramSoil) |
| shrub_size | | Physical quantity | areal cover of shrub island (metersSquared) |
| neighbor_dist | | Physical quantity | distance between the canopy edge and the nearest shrub's edge (meter) |
| P | | Physical quantity | concentration of Mehlich-3 extractable phosphorus (microgramPhosphorusPerGramSoil) |
| OM | | Physical quantity | concentration of organic matter |
| total_N | | Physical quantity | total concentration of nitrogen (percent) |
| total_C | | Physical quantity | total concentration of carbon (percent) |
| BG | | Physical quantity | potential activity of the β-glucosidase enzyme (nanomolePerGramOrganicMatterPerHour) |
| PHOS | | Physical quantity | potential activity of the phosphatase enzyme (nanomolePerGramOrganicMatterPerHour) |
| NAG | | Physical quantity | potential activity of the N-acetyl-glucosaminidase enzyme (nanomolePerGramOrganicMatterPerHour) |
| LAP | | Physical quantity | potential activity of the leucine-aminopeptidase enzyme (nanomolePerGramOrganicMatterPerHour) |
| mbn | | Physical quantity | concentration of microbial biomass nitrogen (microgramNitrogenPerGramSoil) |