Please select what columns you would like to include.
VegIDPhysical quantityUnique identification number
DateDate/timeDate Vegetation Sampling Event occurred
ObserverNominalUnique code for technicians
CenterRobelNPhysical quantityRobel pole reading from 5m north of point
CenterRobelEPhysical quantityRobel pole reading from 5m east of point
CenterRobelSPhysical quantityRobel pole reading from 5m south of point
CenterRobelWPhysical quantityRobel pole reading from 5m west of point
EdgeRobelNPhysical quantityRobel pole reading from 5m north of CenterRobel-N point
EdgeRobelEPhysical quantityRobel pole reading from 5m east of CenterRobel-E point
EdgeRobelSPhysical quantityRobel pole reading from 5m south of CenterRobel-S point
EdgeRobelWPhysical quantityRobel pole reading from 5m west of CenterRobel-W point
ShrubCoverPhysical quantityVeg sampling area covered in shrubs
TreeCoverPhysical quantityVeg sampling area covered by trees
AspectPhysical quantityAspect from nest toward lower elevation
SlopePhysical quantitySlope that nest is on, measured by clinometer
DaubenmireIDPhysical quantityUnique number to each Daubenmire sample
VegPlotLocNominalLocation of Daubenmire frame at point, NA for Missing or Not Measured.
LiveGrassPhysical quantityPercent cover of live grass inside Daubenmire frame
LiveForbPhysical quantityPercent cover of live forb inside Daubenmire frame
ShrubPhysical quantityPercent cover of shrub inside Daubenmire frame
DeadGrassPhysical quantityPercent cover of dead grass inside Daubenmire frame
OtherDeadPhysical quantityPercent cover of other dead vegetation inside Daubenmire frame
LitterPhysical quantityPercent cover of litter inside Daubenmire frame
BarePhysical quantityPercent cover of bare ground inside Daubenmire frame
NestPhysical quantityPercent cover of ground the nest covers inside Daubenmire frame
PositionRegionNominalUTM Zone
PositionXPhysical quantityEasting (latitude)
PositionYPhysical quantityNorthing (longitude)
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