Please select what columns you would like to include.
ReproSurIDPhysical quantityUnique identification
SurveyDateDate/timeDate survey was conducted
WatershedNominalUsually agrees with ‘Watershed’, not used for incidental observations
ObserverNominalUnique code for technicians
StartTimeDate/timeTime at beginning of survey
IncidentalObsNominalTRUE if bird was detected outside traditional survey, i.e.: off plot or during transport
SurDurationPhysical quantityLength of survey
TemperaturePhysical quantityTemperature at beginning of survey
WindPhysical quantityCategory of wind based off Beaufort Scale
CloudPhysical quantityPercent of sky covered by clouds
PrecipitationNominalCategorical distinction of ambient moisture
NMaleGRSPPhysical quantityNMaleGRSP
PositionRegionNominalUTM Zone
PositionXPhysical quantityEasting (latitude)
PositionYPhysical quantityNorthing (longitude)
ReproDataIDPhysical quantityUnique identification
MaleColorBandsNominalUnique 4 color leg-band pattern for Male
FemaleColorBandsNominalUnique 4 color leg-band pattern for Female
RIPhysical quantityReproductive Index
SpeciesCodeNominalAmerican Ornithologists’ Union/American Ornithological Society species code
OnPlotNominalWhether individual bird’s territory wholly or partially within 10-ha plot (TRUE/FALSE)
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