Please select what columns you would like to include.
RecyearPhysical quantityYear of sample
SeasonCode listSeason of capture
RecMonthNominalMonth of data collected
RecdayNominalDay of data collected
TrapDayNominalTrap Day
WatershedCode listWatershed
LineNominalLine of data collected (E, W, N, S, except L1=L, L2=L, XP=X and G=G)
StaPhysical quantityThe numbered tag on rebar adjacent to the trap
SpeciesNominalThe Two/four letter code used to identify species, please see csm021 for species name. code for 'X' means none of the animal was captured in the trap.
SexNominalGender of animal (M or F)
AgeCode listEstimated animal's age
PregCode listPregnant status of the animal
CondCode listScrotal status of the animal
MassPhysical quantityWeight determined to nearest gram
StatusCode listAnimal alive or not.
ToeClipNominalPosition of Toe Clip
HairClipNominalposition of Hair Clip
REarTagNominalRight side of of Ear Tag located
LEarTagNominalLeft side of of Ear Tag located
TailLengthPhysical quantityThe length from the distal portion of the pelvis to the last vertebra of the tail
HindFootPhysical quantityHind Foot length
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