Please select what columns you would like to include.
RecYearPhysical quantityYear of record
Shrub_idPhysical quantityPlot number at each site (1 to 20)
TreatmentNominalTreatments of browsing (~50% removal of new meristematic growth), or control (no removal of plant material)
SppcodePhysical quantitySpecies code from Konza taxa list
GenusNominalTaxa associated with plant composition and cover class
SpeciesNominalAbbreviated species name
nsc_typeNominalNonstructural carbohydrate data: this table give root glucose, sucrose and starch value for each shrub at each site
ConcentrationPhysical quantityThese values are on a per mass dry weight basis (mg/g)
DryWTPhysical quantityThese values are on a percent by dry weight basis (%)
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