Please select what columns you would like to include.
RecyearPhysical quantityYear of sample
Shrub_idPhysical quantityPlot number at each site (1 to 20)
TreatmentNominalTreatments of browsing (~50% removal of new meristematic growth), or control (no removal of plant material)
SpeCodePhysical quantitySpecies code
FamilyNominalTaxa family name
GenusNominalTaxa associated with plant composition and cover class
SpeciesNominalAbbreviated species name
Growth_formCode listPlant life history trait (a = annual, b = biennial, p = perennial)
Life_formCode listPlant functional type (f = forb, g = grass, s = sedge, w = woody, o = ferns and allies)
OriginCode listPlant species native (n) or invasive (i)
Cover_classPhysical quantityVegetation cover classes (1-7)
CoverPhysical quantityPercent cover (%) calculated from cover class (1 = 0-1%, 2 = 2-5%, 3 = 5-25%, 4 = 25-50%, 5 = 50-75%, 6 = 75-95%, 7 = 95-100%)
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