Please select what columns you would like to include.
AgeCode listRestoration age (number of growing seasons) of the field
PlotPhysical quantityPlot number- Each field contained 4 plots
BiomassPhysical quantityBelowground plant biomass, i.e. roots and rhizomes (g/m2)
QualityPhysical quantityC:N ratio of belowground plant biomass
MBCPhysical quantityMicrobial biomass C (μg/g soil)
SurrogatePhysical quantitySurrogate recovery for correcting PLFA concentrations (%)
PLFAPhysical quantityTotal PLFA biomass (nmol/g soil)
AMFPhysical quantityArbuscular mycorrhizal fungi PLFA biomass (nmol/g soil)
FBPhysical quantityPLFA fungi:bacteria biomass ratio
Please choose any filters you would like to add.