Vegetation species composition from 1983. The transects were permanently layed out in the current format of 4 transects (A-D), each with 5 plots. Transect E only occurred on watershed N20B florence in 1986 and 1987. This transect is the same as the current transect D for this watershed and soil type. The old transect D was abandoned in 1987 prior to bison reintroduction. Seven cover classes were used to estimate species canopy coverage. 1 - 0-1% cover; 2 - 2-5% cover; 3 - 5-25% cover; 4 - 25-50% cover; 5 - 50-75%; 6 - 75-95% cover; 7 - 95-100% cover. (Note: for the watershed r20b, no data were collected in the transect A & B in the fall of 2011 due to wildfire occurred.)