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DataCodeNominalDataset code
RecTypeNominalRecord type
RecYearPhysical quantityYear of record
RecMonthPhysical quantityMonth of record
RecDayPhysical quantityDay of record
SoiltypeCode listsoil type tully, florence, or irwin
TransectNominaltransect (A, B, C, D, or X)
PlotnumPhysical quantityplot number (1-5 or 1-20 on 001a and 020a)
LvgrassPhysical quantitymass of live grass (g/0/1m2)
ForbsPhysical quantitymass of forbs (g/0.1m2)
CuyrdeadPhysical quantitymass of current years dead (g/0.1m2)
PryrdeadPhysical quantitymass of previous years dead (g/0.1m2)
WoodyPhysical quantitymass of woody (as of 24 aug 1992) (g/0.1m2)
CommentsNominalComments on data collection
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