The 27th Annual Konza Prairie LTER Workshop was held on May 29, 2018 at the Konza Prairie Biological Station in the Cortelyou Lecture Hall.
- List Presentations:
- Jesse Nippert (KSU) - Introduction to KNZ and the LTER program
- Drew Scott (SIU) - Soil and plant-induced heterogeneity effects on soil microbial community structure
- Ellen Welti (OU) - The geography of sodium shapes invertebrate communities
- Jesse Gray (CSU) - Potential factors and mechanisms behind Andropogon and Sorghastrum codominance
- James Guinnip (KSU) - Exploring causes of an extraordinary shift in water chemistry in a pristine grassland stream network
- Kent Connell (KSU) - Plant-soil history has lasting effects on soil organic matter decomposition
- Sarah Winnicki (KSU) - The effect of Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) brood parasitism on nestling growth and development
- Bryan Frenette (KSU) - Temperature effects on performance and physiology of two Prairie stream minnows
- Andrew Hope (KSU) - Stable isotopes demonstrate small mammal consumer niche dynamics among Konza burn treatments
- Eric Duell (OSU) - Using mycorrhizal fungi to facilitate grassland restorations: Past, present, and future directions
- Priscilla Moley (KSU) - The effects of long-term fire and fertilization on belowground nitrogen cycling in Tallgrass Prairie
- Rory O’Connor (KSU) - Fire and browsing effects on woody encroachment
- Sophie Higgs (KSU) - Dissolved organic matter dynamics in grassland streams
- Ingrid Slette (CSU) - Impacts of burn regime on soil CO2 flux
- Kasey Fralick (SIU) - Factors influencing variation in prairie stream invertebrate community structures
- Gabriel de Oliveira (KU) - Spatio-temporal variability of energy and water fluxes using landsat-8 and eddy covariance data
- List Posters:
- Seton Bachle (KSU) - Getting to the root of woody encroachers
- Emily Barry, (KU) - Characterizing groundwater flow through merokarst in the N04d section of the Konza Prairie Long-Term Ecological Research site
- Mike Bartmess (KSU) - Shrub encroachment in the Tallgrass Prairie: Using high intensity fire to manage resprouting broadleaf species
- Kathryn Bloodworth (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center) - White-tailed deer herbivory does not impact plant species composition at Konza Prairie
- Caitlin Broderick (KSU) - Long-term climate as a driver of tallgrass prairie structure, function and stability
- Tiffany Carter (KSU) - Long-term effects of rainfall manipulation on the soil microbial community of a native Tallgrass Prairie
- Bryan Frenette (KSU) - Thermal ecology of prairie stream fishes: upcoming experiments
- Kyle Ismert, (KSU) - The mass emergence of 17-year cicada accelerates litter decomposition
- David Hartnett (KSU) - The Rhizosheath: An adaptation to temporal rainfall variability in arid grasslands
- Laura Mino, KSU - Exploiting an opportunity: preliminary glimpse to soil responses after cessation of 26-year fire suppression
- Johanie Rivera Zayas (KSU) - Greenhouse gas emissions from beef-cattle grazing systems in grasslands
- Monica Shaffer (KSU) - Plant architectural shifts contribute to increased forage density on grazing lawns
- Dylan Smith (KSU) - Effects of brood parasitism on survival and growth of host nestlings
- Jeff Taylor (KSU) - Vascular flora of the Konza Prairie: An update
- Leena Vilonen (CSU) - Microbial recovery from climate extremes in a Tall Grass Prairie
- Marissa Zaricor (KSU) - Can we predict drought tolerance in Poaceae using plant traits